Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

2013 Tapping World Summit Schedule

Thursday, January 24th, 2013

Tapping World Summit 2013 Registration


Here is your  link to register :


Day 1 – February 4th
These Calls Go Live at 8pm EST (New York Time) 5pm PST (Seattle, WA)

Nick Ortner
How to Create an Abundant and Fulfilling Financial Future Through Tapping  
Carol Look
Ending the Self-Sabotaging Behaviors that Block Success


Day 2 – February 5th
These Calls Go Live at 8pm EST (New York Time) 5pm PST (Seattle, WA)

Jessica Ortner
The Key to Weight Loss & Body Confidence: Why Nothing Has Worked Before and What You Can Do Now  
Paul Scheele
Tap Your Way to Easy and Empowering Weight Loss


 Day 3 – February 6th
These Calls Go Live at 8pm EST (New York Time) 5pm PST (Seattle, WA)

Cheryl Richardson
Tapping Into Self-Care: Finding the Power to Say No to Others and Yes to Yourself  
Margaret M. Lynch
The Spiritual Power of Being Sexy!


Day 4 – February 7th
These Calls Go Live at 8pm EST (New York Time) 5pm PST (Seattle, WA)

Gwenn Bonnell
The Simple Way to Tap Away Those Constant Headaches  
Rick Wilkes
Put an End to Your Pains with EFT


Day 5 – February 8th
These Calls Go Live at 8pm EST (New York Time) 5pm PST (Seattle, WA)

Mary Ayres
Overcoming the Fear Of Change With Tapping  
Pamela Bruner
Tapping Through Your Money Myths For Heart-Centered Business Growth


Day 6 – February 9th
These Calls Go Live at 8pm EST (New York Time) 5pm PST (Seattle, WA)

Steve Wells
How Your Children Can Conquer Anxiety With Tapping  
Patricia Carrington
The Incredible Power of Choice-Based Tapping


 Day 7 – February 10th
These Calls Go Live at 8pm EST (New York Time) 5pm PST (Seattle, WA)

Eleanore Duyndam
How to Improve Your Eyesight With EFT  
Lindsay Kenny
Get Rid Of the Clutter In Your Home and Heart!


 Day 8 – February 11th
These Calls Go Live at 8pm EST (New York Time) 5pm PST (Seattle, WA)

Donna Eden
Reboot Your Relationship With Energy Work  
Dawson Church
Enriching your Relationships Through EFT


Day 9 – February 12th
These Calls Go Live at 8pm EST (New York Time) 5pm PST (Seattle, WA)

Brad Yates
Create and Crystallize Your Most Powerful Vision with EFT  
Carol Tuttle
Deeper Faith: Let Tapping Lead You to a More Profound Spirituality


Day 10 – February 13th
These Calls Go Live at 8pm EST (New York Time) 5pm PST (Seattle, WA)

Jessica Ortner
Integration Process  
Jessica Ortner
Personal Peace Procedure


Here is your  link to register:

Are you overwhelmed?

Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013

20 EFT / Tapping Interviews for F.R.E.E.

I want to talk to you very briefly about a pattern  that I see happening in the world, and that I  used to see in myself. 

It’s the pattern of “overwhelm”, a theme that  seems to be prevalent throughout the world. 

Too many things to do, too much responsibility, too much information and not enough time.

This leaves people exhausted, overwhelmed and  emotionally shut down (because they simply  can’t process what’s going on)

Are you feeling any of this?

And if so, what’s the answer to this problem?

I KNOW (and this is from personal experience  as well as trial and error), that the answer is to  deal with your STUFF, your BAGGAGE, your HISTORY, your LIMITING BELIEFS, once and for all.

Now, your first response to this might be, “But I don’t have TIME to deal with that stuff” 

However the reality is, you don’t have time NOT TO deal with this stuff.

Not dealing with your “stuff”, falls in the same category as not exercising.

Most people’s excuse is they don’t have time to exercise, but the facts show that exercise  improves health, increases mental performance,  reduces sleep time, and makes life a whole lot better.

And it’s the same thing for dealing with your “stuff”. 

Again, by “stuff”, I mean all the unresolved emotions,  hurts, limiting beliefs, physical pain, and so forth  that you’ve been carrying around WAY too long. 

I believe that one of the best ways to handle these  issues is to use EFT, otherwise known as Tapping.

You’ve likely heard left and right over the last week about the 2013 Tapping World Summit.  It’s been all the buzz lately and with good reason.

Well, I’m excited to tell you that registration for the free 2013 Tapping World Summit is officially open.

This event is a really easy and absolutely free way to learn both basic and advanced Tapping techniques  that you can implement in your life right away.

If you can bust out a limiting belief with 10 minutes  of tapping, and it can change everything in your life,  what are you waiting for? 

Are you enjoying the continual patterns of suffering,  pain, and regret? No, I didn’t think you were…

So with this in mind, I highly recommend that you listen in on the 2013 Tapping World Summit, the 5th annual  event, to tap along with the world’s foremost experts, in  concrete, condensed sessions specifically designed to give you 100% content that you can apply to your life immediately.

If you’re ready to break the patterns of  self-sabotage, of anxiety, of procrastination, of  whatever is holding you back, then register to listen in on these free calls by going here:

You can’t use the “I can’t afford it” excuse,  because it’s fr-ee. 

And we already talked about the “time” issue,  so what’s left?  :-)

Until next time…

Evie Kay

 P.S.  Everything changes when you get rid of this  “stuff”. EVERYTHING.  Make sure you do register now,  for your sake, for your family’s sake, for the  planet’s sake!

P.P.S. – Plus, when you sign up now you’ll get  immediate access to three audios from Dr. David Feinstein,  EFT Expert Carol Look, and EFT expert and producer of the  event Nick Ortner, that will teach you things about Tapping that will blow you away… 



This Hormone May Be Ruining Your LIfe Without You Knowing It…

Monday, January 21st, 2013

Cortisol, known as the “stress hormone,” is integral to our body’s “fight or flight” response.

Originally designed to help us survive life in the wild, the “fight or flight” response was essential when our ancient ancestors were faced with sudden, brief danger like, let’s say, a tiger.

However useful in short bursts, releasing cortisol too frequently, as we seem to be doing in response to the ongoing or “chronic” stress of modern life, may have serious, even scary, impacts on our physical, mental and emotional health.

In fact, living in this kind of biological “survival mode” may be making us more vulnerable to everything from cancer to heart disease, and more.

New research, however, is showing one technique extremely effective in helping to reduce cortisol levels.

I’d like to share a video with you today that will explain what I mean…

Tapping World Summit Video Series - Dr. Mark Hyman

 In fact, in a study of 83 participants this technique demonstrated a 24 percent decrease in cortisol levels, while the two other groups, one that received no treatment and one that received talk therapy, only showed the normal rate of  cortisol decrease over time, 14%. 

This technique, known as EFT or Tapping is causing shockwaves in the medical world as more and more science is proving its effectiveness in improving health, both physically and emotionally.

A new video, just released today, explains some of this new research and shows you exactly how you can use it right now to improve your health.

 Go here to watch it now:

To your health,

 Evie Kay

 P.S. – If you’re ignoring your levels of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm then you might as well ignore what you eat and exercising…because those emotions have just as big of an impact on your health…

P.P.S. – Here is what 5 times New York Times Best-Selling Author Dr. Mark Hyman has to say about using Tapping:

“There are three things that are critical for  healing.  It’s what you eat…moving your body, and learning  how to reset your nervous system through relaxing  and dealing with chronic stress. There are so many  phenomenal tools to do that but Tapping is one of  the most directed and powerful ways to peel away  the layers of chronic stress. It’s very effective for very difficult problems.”